Matt Bomer covers Details in desert shoot: super hot or too airbrushed?

Matt Bomer covers the May issue of Details, and Im underwhelmed. Where are the piercing blue Bomer eyes and the amazing facial structure? Details beiged-out Bomers eyes and gave us a photoshopped leading man that looks more like Josh Duhamel. Unlike Matt, Josh is a generic pretty boy, so I dont know what Details was

Matt Bomer

Matt Bomer covers the May issue of Details, and I’m underwhelmed. Where are the piercing blue Bomer eyes and the amazing facial structure? Details “beiged-out” Bomer’s eyes and gave us a photoshopped leading man that looks more like Josh Duhamel. Unlike Matt, Josh is a generic pretty boy, so I don’t know what Details was thinking with this shoot. Matt revealed to Details that he’s been married to his partner, Simon Halls, for three years. Matt publicly came out two years ago.

Matt is also promoting his new HBO film, The Normal Heart adaptation. The movie also stars Mark Ruffalo, Jim Parsons, and Julia Roberts. Matt plays an AIDS-afflicted writer turned human activist. Details’ article describes Matt as “More Than Just a Pretty Face.” No kidding. Excerpts, please:

He read The Normal Heart book in 1992: “At the time, I was clueless and obviously in a different place in relation to my sexuality. I was in romantic relationships with girls–whatever that means at 14. But I read it. And it completely rocked my world. It’s just such an amazing call to arms.”

His passion for the movie: “It’s rare that you get to play a great role that has an arc. It’s rare that you get to be a part of something that, hopefully, has some significance socially or historically. And then to have a role that changes you? I think that’s the best you could hope for in this profession, and that was certainly the case here. I don’t think I’ll ever be the same as I was when I started the job.”

He lost weight for the role: “I stopped weighing myself after losing 35 pounds. I thought the number wasn’t the important thing to focus on. This wasn’t Biggest Loser. [Matthew McConaughey] called me and walked me through what he did. It was very generous, but I took a slightly different path.” It took Bomer three months to attain a sufficiently skeletal figure. “That’s what I signed up for. That’s my job. And it’s the least I could do.”

[From Details]

A Normal Heart will inevitably be compared to Dallas Buyers Club because of the two films’ similar themes. I’ve included the trailer at the bottom of this post. Julia Roberts pops in for a role comparable to that of Jennifer Garner, but Julia is far less likable as an actress. Why is Julia doing an HBO film in the first place? Strange days.

Here’s a quick preview of Bomer’s Out shoot. He will also grace the cover, but this picture captures much more of his beauty than the entirety of the Details shoot:

Matt Bomer

Matt Bomer

Photos courtesy of Details & Out

