Victoria Justice in Bathing Suit Top Says "It's My Birthday!" Celebwell

Victoria Justice, the actress and singer, just celebrated her 29th birthday. And she made sure to post a stunning photo on Instagram to celebrate. Justice posed outside in an all-black outfit. She wore a bikini top, and black and white floral print skirt, a jacket, and a cowboy hat. She captioned the photo, "I am

Victoria Justice, the actress and singer, just celebrated her 29th birthday. And she made sure to post a stunning photo on Instagram to celebrate. Justice posed outside in an all-black outfit. She wore a bikini top, and black and white floral print skirt, a jacket, and a cowboy hat. She captioned the photo, "I am overwhelmed with gratitude. So thankful for my family, my friends & all of you. Thank you for the sweet messages. I truly feel like the luckiest girl in the world. So grateful for another year around the sun." (Why is she wearing a cowboy hat? "I was thrown a surprise b day party last night & it was glam cowboy/Joshua tree themed hence the outfit.") How does she stay so fit? Read on to see 7 ways Victoria Justice stays in shape and the photos that prove they work—and to get beach-ready yourself, don't miss these essential 30 Best-Ever Celebrity Bathing Suit Photos!

Justice opened up to Teen Vogue about some of her favorite workouts. Justice says that she loves to dance, and that she enjoys going to workout classes, especially dance-based ones. "I love dancing, so taking any kind of class is really fun for me. Being able to feed off other people's energy and make it a community thing is amazing."

Justice revealed to Health that she has Hashimoto's Disease, an autoimmune disorder that involves the thyroid. She revealed that, to take care of herself, she was on a strict diet for a couple of months. "This Korean acupuncturist put me on a super-strict diet, where I was a pescatarian. I also couldn't eat any sugar, wheat, or dairy. I did that for about two months, and it was so intense." 

Justice tells Health that she likes to practice meditation, to keep herself centered. "I try to meditate every day. It's important to take that time, even if it's just 10 minutes, to block everything out and get grounded again." "During meditation, you focus your attention and eliminate the stream of jumbled thoughts that may be crowding your mind and causing stress. This process may result in enhanced physical and emotional well-being," says the Mayo Clinic.

Another of Justice's self-care routines is reading a lot. She tells Health, "I love to lie on my hammock and read things that are inspirational and motivational, whether it's a self-help book or an autobiography." Reading can help you fall asleep. If you're having trouble and "if you don't fall asleep within about 20 minutes, leave your bedroom and do something relaxing. Read or listen to soothing music. Go back to bed when you're tired. Repeat as needed," says the Mayo Clinic.

Justice opened up to Health about her struggles with insecurities in her body. She says that she took medication for her Hashimoto's Disease, which caused her skin to break out. Justice says that her family and friends got her through those times. "I had the support of my family and friends. I knew that the people around me had my back." 

Justice tells HollywoodLife that she picked up a new workout from her sister. "Well my sister has gotten me into hot yoga," she said. "So yeah it's tough. It was really not my thing in the beginning. And I still am in the classes sometimes and I'm like, 'Why am I doing this? Why am I here right now?' But it's… You always leave feeling better. But yesterday we did a class and I had to step out 'cause I was just… I was that one person that was like, Nope, can't take it. But when it's over, you always feel like, Oh, your muscles, they're relaxed and it's so good."

Justice tells HollywoodLife that she doesn't really diet or restrict herself. She says that since she works out so much, she doesn't need to limit herself. "Rule of thumb, I just kind of eat whatever I want."

