Cher wanted to buy Chaz that p3nis he wants, but he said no

We heard from the worlds most famous transgender man Chaz Bono earlier this month that he was hoping to raise the money to complete his transition and surgically get a male part. Chaz went on in a Rolling Stone interview about his options for being more authentic down there, and Ill spare you the details

We heard from the world’s most famous transgender man Chaz Bono earlier this month that he was hoping to raise the money to complete his transition and surgically get a male part. Chaz went on in a Rolling Stone interview about his options for being more authentic down there, and I’ll spare you the details but whatever route he goes it will be expensive. He estimated that it would cost between $25,000 and $45,000 and said he was saving up the money for it. Well Chaz’s famous mom Cher supposedly offered to pay for it and Chaz said “no.” These two have been at odds since Chaz broke it off with his fiancee, Jennifer Elia, and Chaz doesn’t want to take a handout.

After her nasty blowup with son Chaz Bono over his breakup with fiancee Jennifer Elia, devastated mom Cher’s frantic to make up with her… offspring – so she offered to gift him with the surgically constructed penis he so desperately desires! “Cher hates being at odds with Chaz – she only wants the best for him,” says a sourec. “But almost everything she says makes him angry, which finally triggered the fight to end all fights, when she told him that Jennifer had never loved him. Chaz stormed out, saying he never wants to see his mom again. But Chaz has publicly stated that he wants to make his gender transformation complete by opting for surgery to construct a penis – so in an effort to mend fences, Cher has offered to pay docs the estimated $50,000-plus it will cost to buy the penis…”

“Sadly, Chaz sent word through a close friend that he does not want his mother’s handout, and will earn the money himself. Cher is heartbroken.”

[From The National Enquirer, print edition, Mike Walker’s column, Jaunary 30, 2012]

I like to think that I would be accepting and loving if one of my kids told me they were born the wrong gender, but I don’t know if I’d be accepting enough to actually help them with the transition. It would really depend on the circumstances. Cher has admitted that she struggled with it when Chaz made the transition to male. How hard must it have been for her to offer to pay for her onetime daughter to get a penis? Chaz has shown himself to be a pompous, humorless ass lately. I’m primarily talking about how he responded to his critics on DWTS, and how he is rumored to have handled his breakup. I’m not surprised he denied his mother’s offer. He’s only screwing himself out of a penis by being so stubborn about it. Still, just because I don’t like Chaz doesn’t mean I should judge. If Cher is telling him his girlfriend never loved him I don’t blame him for not wanting to deal with her. Family sh*t can be complicated. Also, this is one of the most momentous changes in his life and there’s surely a lot of pride involved in knowing he paid for it himself.

Cher and Chaz are shown on 11-18-10 at Cher’s hand and footprint ceremony. What the hell is Cher wearing? Chaz is shown out at lunch on 1-19-11. Credit:

