Jennifer Love Hewitt uglies it up for a guest spot on Law & Order: SVU

The only conclusion that I can draw is that the Law & Order: SVU casting director is a crackhead. That is literally the only explanation for the line of crazy, horrible casting decisions that Law & Order: SVU has faced in the past few years, notably last year, when Sharon Stone almost single-handedly destroyed my


The only conclusion that I can draw is that the Law & Order: SVU casting director is a crackhead. That is literally the only explanation for the line of crazy, horrible casting decisions that Law & Order: SVU has faced in the past few years, notably last year, when Sharon Stone almost single-handedly destroyed my beloved series. I hated her character so much, I longed for Christine Lahti’s drunken paleo-feminist ADA to show up again. And Lahti sucked too! Ugh. Anyway, Jennifer Love Hewitt got a job! She’s going to guest star on SVU on one of their first episodes of the new season. I guess she’s playing a rape victim?

Jennifer Love Hewitt is best known for her girl next door looks. But she made a startlingly transformation as she appeared battered and bruised to play a woman who has suffered a terrifying rape attack.

With her face scrubbed clean of make-up, clothes ripped and distressed, the only embellishment was the fake blood she had been daubed with.

The 31-year-old Ghost Whisperer actress is appearing as a guest star on show Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. And in between takes she was seen relaxing with the show’s star, actress Mariska Hargitay , 46, who plays Detective Olivia Benson.

Love Hewitt is playing a woman named Vicki who has been raped multiple times and is afraid to leave her house.

The show’s executive producer Neal Baer said, ‘One of the reasons we wanted to do this episode is because it addresses Mariska Hargitay’s passion for rape kits, which helps gather evidence to convict the rapists.’

Hargitay co-founded the Joyful Heart Foundation, a charity that supports women and children who are victims of sexual assault, child abuse and domestic violence.

[From The Daily Mail]

I mean, I love Det. Benson and everything, but do we really have to describe it as a “passion” for rape kits? Aren’t rape kits just sort of a necessity and something you should do in a horrible situation? That’s like saying someone has a “passion” for enemas.

I also find this somewhat funny because Jennifer Love has been hustling ever since The Ghost Whisperer got cancelled. She’s been everywhere the past few months, setting up paparazzi “candids” and giving interview after interview about how confident she is, etc. All for the hustle. And this is what all that hustling gets? A guest shot on SVU? Oh, J. Love.


Jennifer Love and Mariska Hargitay on August 9, 2010. Credit: Fame.

