Kelly Clarkson loves being nude links

Us Weekly claims Kelly Clarkson loves being nude around everyone. A source claims that Kelly doesnt even cover her privates when her house is filled with strangers for photo shoots or fittings. When questioned about it, Kelly tells her visitors, I just really like being naked [Dlisted] Pics of Kim Kardashian and Reggie Bush

– Us Weekly claims Kelly Clarkson loves being nude around everyone. A source claims that Kelly doesn’t even cover her privates when her house is “filled with strangers for photo shoots or fittings.” When questioned about it, Kelly tells her visitors, “I just really like being naked” [Dlisted]
– Pics of Kim Kardashian and Reggie Bush being all lovey-dovey on vacation in Mexico with her family [Bossip]
– Pajiba says The First Saturday in May is not an aesthetically interesting film but it has natural appeal. I still think it rocked [Pajiba]
Amy Winehouse somehow lost the keys to her London digs and had a friend break in through the garage. Just like a normal celebrity [Popbytes]
Shakira at a news conference in support of the “Education For All” act in Washington [Celebslam]
Natalie Portman Still A Bit Gun Shy Around Dogs [Defamer]
Danica Patrick Breaks Indy 300 History [Yeeeah!]
Katie Holmes has taken the tabloids’ accusations as fighting words. Cover after cover screaming about her marriage being over has started to get to her. Maybe she should just go ahead and end the marriage. That’ll stop the talk [I’m Not Obsessed]
Kim Kardashian With Makeup vs Without Makeup [The Bastardly]
Mariah Carey and Da Brat were leaving her private party at Mr Chows to celebrate her album E=MC2 going to number 1 in America [In Case You Didn’t Know]
– Here are some pictures of Kim Kardashian having a much needed workout (Site NSFW) [Drunken Stepfather]
– And a little more Kardashian, if you can handle it: Sisters Kim Kardashian, Khloe Kardashian and Kourtney Kardashian at the Girls Gone Wild magazine launch party at Area in West Hollywood, Ca.(04/22/08). Looks were not equally divided in this family [Hollywood Rag]
– Looks like Sharon Stone got a chemical peel. She should’ve stayed home until her face healed because that looks horrible. You know almost as bad as Basic Instinct 2 [Seriously? OMG! WTF?]
Amy Winehouse Unintentionally Hilarious Photo Of The Day [Agent Bedhead]
Megan Fox on the cover of Paw Print magazine… holding… a fox [The Blemish]
– Hot Men Who Look Like Lesbians. Not sure if I agree with all of them… but point taken [CityRag]
– $20,000 A Night For Heather Mills. What an incredibly atrocious thought [Crazy Days and Nights]
Ryan Gosling and Kirsten Dunst were looking equally dirty haired on the set of All Good Things in NYC yesterday [PopSugar]
Courteney Cox & Coco Out And About [Celebrity Baby Scoop]
– The grizzly bear that wrestled Will Ferrell in the movie Semi-Pro killed a guy yesterday, after the bear bit his trainers neck while they were wrestling [WWTDD]
Gwyneth’s Fake Smile Says: “Why Am I Standing Next to These Average People?” Truly hilarious photo [Websters is my Bitch]
Will Arnett sex tape with the Olsen Twins. Funniest shit ever. Definitely NSFW [Lainey Gossip]
Paris Hilton was spotted looking extra skinny as she made her way around town yesterday looking at couches and buying coffee at the Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf [The Skinny]
– In news that is completely useless, NY Yankee Alex Rodriguez welcomed his second child recently [Derek Hail]
Dita Von Teese on the red carpet of last night’s “Be Cointreauversial” event here in New York [Best Week Ever]
– This week’s Radar magazine advice column courtesy of Spencer Pratt does the impossible: The advice seeker may in fact be a bigger tool than Spence himself [Mollygood]
Lauren Conrad & Date: Bored, Boring [Jezebel]

