Gov. Newsom will appoint Emilys List President Laphonza Butler to Feinsteins seat

Embed from Getty Images The British tabloids were full of speculation about the late Senator Dianne Feinsteins seat and who would serve the remainder of her term. Obviously, they believed that the Duchess of Sussex was not only in contention, but that Meghan was actively putting herself up for the job. Meghan was not in

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The British tabloids were full of speculation about the late Senator Dianne Feinstein’s seat and who would serve the remainder of her term. Obviously, they believed that the Duchess of Sussex was not only “in contention,” but that Meghan was actively putting herself up for the job. Meghan was not in contention, nor was she campaigning for the seat behind-the-scenes. California Governor Gavin Newsom had a tricky job here – he had to appoint someone who wouldn’t use the remainder of Feinstein’s term to launch his or her campaign. Newsom didn’t want to “pick sides” before the primary, so this person just had to be a powerful seat-filler who only wants to serve for fifteen months or so. Gov. Newsom figured out an extremely elegant solution: he will appoint the president of EMILY’s List, the organization which fundraises for pro-choice candidates across the country. Laphonza Butler will get to use the resources of Feinstein’s office and this position to put a spotlight on abortion rights. In a presidential election year. This is PERFECT:

California Gov. Gavin Newsom will appoint EMILY’s List President Laphonza Butler to fill the seat of the late Sen. Dianne Feinstein, elevating the head of a fundraising juggernaut that works to elect Democratic women who support abortion rights, according to a person familiar with the decision.

Newsom is moving swiftly to name the next senator, two days after Feinstein’s death and just as a perilously split Congress narrowly averted a government shutdown. Senate Democrats are in need of every vote in the closely divided chamber.

The announcement was expected to come Monday, and an adviser to the governor, Anthony York, told POLITICO that Newsom is making his appointment without putting limitations or preconditions on his pick running for the seat in 2024. That means Butler could decide to join the sprawling and competitive field of Democratic contenders seeking to succeed Feinstein, with special elections now layered on top of the March primary and November runoff. Butler is expected to be sworn-in to the U.S. Senate on Wednesday by Vice President Kamala Harris.

Newsom’s selection of Butler comes at a moment of immense change in California’s political establishment, with millions of people still mourning the death of Feinstein, the barrier-breaking Senate lioness. Meanwhile the California governor, who was mentored by Feinstein, has been grappling with his own personal grief and the political ramifications of his choice to succeed her.

The people who spoke with POLITICO ahead of the announcement were granted anonymity to disclose internal deliberations. Butler is registered to vote in Maryland but will switch her registration to California.

[From Politico]

“Newsom is making his appointment without putting limitations or preconditions on his pick running for the seat in 2024,” yeah but the only way she’s getting it is because Newsom believes that she won’t throw her hat into the ring. People are saying one thing to Politico, while Newsom’s people are probably quietly briefing the California Democratic caucus that Butler won’t run. Anyway, this was a great call by Newsom. It also overshadows the fact that he made a deeply unpopular decision: he vetoed a bill supported by SAG-AFTRA, which would have enabled striking workers to collect unemployment benefits. Literally, within the same newscycle, he kneecapped unions AND gave a national platform to abortion rights.

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